The world is wonderful, as in every corner of the globe we can find a great quantity of cuisines, folklores, cultures and traditions, our favourites being from Latin America! Because the popular Latin American wedding traditions still feature in lots of weddings today, and there is no sign of this stopping!
In Central America, in South America and in the Caribbean Islands, their unique and moving traditions are yet to be forgotten and are still celebrated today. Therefore, it is important for us to find out how to apply these cultures to every Latin American wedding!
So, although we can find love in any part of the world, right now we are going to teach you about the most important traditions that are popular in Latin American weddings! So that you ensure to take care of every detail on your big day. Let’s go!

Coins are very significant
Coins have become one of the most popular traditions for Latin American weddings, as during the ceremony, the groom gives the bride 13 gold coins, which symbolises prosperity and good luck in Venezuela, Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia and Panama. Meanwhile, in Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala, coins represent the man’s responsibility to be the ‘provider’ of the house. This tradition is changing however, and the second use is increasingly losing its popularity.
Also, in Colombia, women usually put a coin in their shoe, as they believe that this will ensure a happy and successful marriage.
Rings in the champagne
Bringing good luck is the most important element of a Latin American wedding, and therefore the wedding rings are usually introduced in the champagne, as a symbol of the never-ending union between the couple. The first drink and the first toast of the celebration must include this drink.
A rosary, a crown or a golden shoelace
These items are very popular as they also symbolise the couple’s union in matrimony. So much so, that it is tradition in almost every Latin American country for the bride and groom to have one of these items for the ceremony. How original!

A ribbon tied around the bride’s leg
One of the most exciting parts of the wedding is when the bride, who is wearing a ribbon or a band tied around her leg, exposes her leg to reveal this item, in order for her husband to remove it in a sensual way. This very common practice at Latin American weddings has begun to feature in other weddings around the world!
A dance with a Cuban bride
The money dance is a popular tradition at Latin American weddings, although it is somewhat controversial. Although it serves to wish prosperity on the newlyweds and help them economically with some bank notes, it is also quite controversial, as in Cuba, if the guests want to dance with the bride, they have to attach the money to her dress.
This moment usually happens when the newlyweds open up the dance floor after finishing their first dance. The guests instantly come up to them and put money in the bride and groom’s clothes.
The Guatemalan bells
In Guatemala, on the wedding day, a white bell is placed at the entrance to the venue, and, when the bride and groom leave after the ceremony, the mother of the bride rings the bell to signify the moment to throw rice, flour and other grains at the couple, as a symbol of prosperity.

Peruvian cake
In Peru, the cake has thread baked inside of it, but only one of them has a ring tied to it! The guest that ends up with the tread with the ring attached will be the next person to get married.
The Mexican rope
The groomsmen are tasked with surrounding the bride and groom during the ceremony with a rope of piece of string, which usually ties their hands together in order to symbolise the couple’s strong bond. This popular tradition was brought to Mexico from Europe, and it cannot be left out of any Mexican wedding.
The Chilean exchanging of the rings
An added feature to the exchanging of the rings at Chilean weddings involves the movement of the wedding rings from the right to the left hand. In this country it is common for the bride and groom to wear their wedding rings on their right hand until they tie the knot, as they then change hand and place their ring on their left hand.

The Puerto Rican ‘capias’
The Puerto Rican ‘capias’ are thin belts, usually made from satin, that are folded in the middle and are decorated with jewels, feathers, tulle, etc. They also usually include a pin that helps the wearer to put them on. These belts have the date of the wedding and the name of the bride and groom printed on them, and it is the bride’s job to put these ‘capias’ on each guest’s waist.
Furthermore, they can be decorated in any way you want, with any colour, theme or decoration you choose. It is a beautiful detail and celebrates a wonderful tradition!
The Puerto Rican fan beside the bouquet
In Puerto Rico, for many years, the women couldn’t leave the house without their fans, which formed a part of their daily outfits. They even began to start collections that have been passed down from generation to generation!
As a consequence, no Puerto Rican wedding could take place without the bride’s fan, which she carries along with her bouquet. It is also common to give this accessory to the guests as a gift.
The Venezuelan newlyweds flee the wedding
That’s right, in Venezuela, during the afterparty of the wedding the bride and groom disappear from the celebration in secret in order to start their wedding night early. If no one realises that they have left and they are not caught, they are guaranteed to have good luck in their marriage. But, if they are caught, the good luck is passed on to the person who catches them. How fun!
The Costa Rican Serenade
In Costa Rica, it is very popular for the groom to sing and serenade the bride and bring her flowers in the days leading up to the wedding. On many occasions there is also a band, or he brings his best friends with him to play music in the background.
Which kind of Latin American wedding will you hold? Whichever you choose, leave it all in the hands of Perfect Venue!
Tell us, which one of these traditions is your favourite?